In the first place, you should think about the kind of environment that you are comfortable working in. In many cases call center jobs are understaffed, and because of this you will be on the phone nearly constantly. You will also need to make sure that you can handle stress. Are you calm when people shout at you on the phone, and are you ready for people to be hostile to you after a long wait time? This patience is something that can go a long way towards getting you the kind of result that you need, so be prepared.
Another thing that you need to keep in mind is that the scheduling in call centers can be a little bit erratic at times. When you are a new hire you are going to want to make sure that you have an open schedule. For instance, can you work nights and weekends? It may be a few months before you get the opportunity to take two days off in a row. When you are looking at getting the kind of position that you need you should think about what you have to offer in terms of a loose schedule. Take some time to think about what kind of hours you can devote to a job like this.
When you are thinking about finding the right kind of job, the first thing that you need to think about is going to be your resume, and this type of job is no exception. Take some time to really adjust your resume and make sure that it represents the skill set that you have been looking to show off. If you have had a spotty employment record, now is the time to stop and make sure that your resume shows off your talents and not just where you have worked for the last few months. Take some time to make sure that you can get the results that you need and you will find in fairly short order that you will start getting calls.
Also keep in mind where your friends and family work. There are plenty of different things that you can do in order to make sure that you are getting the right kind of networking going, but you will find that one of the most effective things that you can do is simply make it known to one and all that you are looking for a job. Ask specific people about specific job opportunities; this can pay off very quickly. Take some time to really look into getting the right kind of options open to you, and you will find that this will yield a definite benefit in the long run.
When it comes to call centers, don't be afraid to cold call if you have a number to the human resources department. This can get you an interview faster than you might think, and it will establish you as a go-getter. Remember that you should always be polite and simply ask if they are currently taking resumes. Remember that when you go to drop off your resume that you should look your best. This is a good way to get your foot in the door, and it can take you right to the people that you need to talk to.
Remember that when you are looking to get a job in a call center that you should always be professional. There is a lot to be said for working at a place with a lax dress code, but you will find that if you look decent for your first interview that it can go a very long way. Take some time to really think about what your options are going to be in this respect. Dress well, and expect the best!
Getting a job at a call center can be a reasonably straightforward thing to do, but remember that there are many things for you to think about as you do so. Move ahead with the right kind of enthusiasm and make sure that you are getting the right kind of response!